If you have suggestions for more resources, please shoot them to us in an email (proemjournal (at) gmail.com). Thanks!
Places to find places to submit:
www.Newpages.com: great site for bazillions of journal listings, book and mag reviews, interviews, and so much more!
TheReviewReview: also a great site for gazillions of journal listings, book/mag reviews, interviews, and so much more!
(we're working on this section, as many journals accept proems these days, and we need to get on the ball about proem specific journals)
Proem Collections (Individual and Anthology):
Alexander, Robert, C.W. Truesdale, Mark Vinz. Eds. The Party Train: A Collection of American Prose Poetry. Minneapolis, Minnesota: New Rivers Press, 1996.
Ashbery, John. Three Poems. New York: Penguin Books, 1978.
Baudelaire, Charles. Paris Spleen 1869. Trans. Louise Varèse. New York: New Directions, 1970.
Benedikt, Michael. The Prose Poem. New York: Bantam Books, 1970.
Berg, Stephen. New and Selected Poems. Copper Canyon P, 1992.
Bly, Robert. What Have I Ever Lost By Dying? New York: Harper Collins, 1992.
Carson, Anne. The Autobiography of Red. New York: Vintage Books, 1999.
Chinquee, Kim. Oh Baby. Ravenna Press, 2008.
Davis, Lydia. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis. 2008. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Edson, Russell. The Intuitive Journey and Other Works. New York: Harper and Row, 1976.
---. The Tormented Mirror. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2001.
---. The Wounded Breakfast. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan UP, 1985.
Ehrhardt, Pia Z. Famous Fathers and Other Stories. MacAdam Cage, 2007.
Gonzalez, Ray. Ed. No Boundaries: Prose Poems by 24 American Poets. Dorset, Vermont: Tupelo P, 2003.
Guest, Barbara. The Confetti Trees. Los Angeles, California: Sun and Moon P, 1999.
Haas, Robert. Human Wishes. New York: The Ecco P, 1989.
Hankla, Cathryn. Texas School Book Depository: Prose Poems. New Orleans: Louisiana State P, 2000.
Hejinian, Lyn. My Life. Los Angeles, California: Green Integer, 2002.
Kaminsky, Ilya. Dancing in Odessa. Dorset, VT: Tupelo Press, 2004.
---. Deaf Republic. Graywolf Press, 2019.
Keene, Dennis. Trans. and Ed. The Modern Japanese Prose Poem: An Anthology of Six Poets. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1980.
Koncel, Mary. Closer to Day. Florence, Massachusetts: Quale P, 1999.
---. You Can Tell The Horse Anything. Dorset, Vermont: Tupelo P, 2004.
Mallarmé, Stephen. Poems. Trans. Roger Fry. London: Vision P, 1951.
McGrath, Campbell. Road Atlas: Prose & Other Poems. New York: The Ecco P, 1999.
Oliver, Mary. What Do We Know: Poems and Prose Poems. New York: DaCapo P, 2003.
Paz, Octavio. Aguila o Sol? Eagle or Sun? Trans. Eliot Weinberger. New York: October House, 1970.
---, Ali Chumacero, Mark Strand, et al. Eds. New Poetry of Mexico. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1970.
---. Selected Poems of Octavio Paz. Trans. Muriel Rukeyser. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1963.
Simic, Charles. The World Doesn’t End. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
Waldrop, Rosemarie. Reluctant Gravities. New York: New Directions, 1999.
Wright, James. This Journey. New York: Random House, 1982.
---. To A Blossoming Pear Tree. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1977.
Critical Works:
Caws, Mary Ann, Hermine Riffaterre. Eds. The Prose Poem in France: Theory and Practice. New York: Columbia UP, 1983.
Clements, Brian, Jamey Dunham, Eds. An Introduction to the Prose Poem. Connecticut: Firewheel Editions, 2009.
Cohn, Robert Greer. Mallarmé’s Prose Poems: A Critical Study. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987.
Delville, Michel. The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1998.
Finch, Annie. The Ghost of Meter: Culture and Prosody in American Free Verse. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1993.
Fredman, Stephen. Poet’s Prose: The Crisis in American Verse. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983.
Hartman, Charles O. Free Verse: An Essay on Prosody. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1980
Hiddleston, J.A. Baudelaire and Le Spleen de Paris. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1987.
McDowell, Gary, F. Daniel Rzicznek, Eds. The Rose Metal Field Guide to Prose Poetry. Rose Metal Press, 2010.
Metzidakis, Stamos. Repetition and Semiotics: Interpreting Prose Poems. Birmingham, Alabama: Summa Publications, Inc., 1986.
Monroe, Jonathan. A Poverty of Objects: The Prose Poem and the Politics of Genre. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1987.
Monte, Steven. Invisible Fences: Prose Poetry as a Genre in French and American Literature. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2000.
Murphy, Margueritte S. A Tradition of Subversion: The Prose Poem in English from Wilde to Ashbery. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1992.
Plumly, Stanley. “Narrative Values, Lyric Imperatives.” Argument & Song: Sources and Silences in Poetry. Handsel Books, 2003. pp. 263-317.
Ratiner, Steven. “Mary Oliver—A Solitary Walk.” Giving Their Word: Conversations with Contemporary Poets. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2002. pp. 39-62.
---. “Charles Simic—The Toy of Language.” Giving Their Word: Conversations with Contemporary Poets. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2002. pp. 75-93.
Santilli, N. Such Rare Citings: The Prose Poem in English Literature. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2002.
Silliman, Ron. “Towards Prose.” The New Sentence. New York: Roof Books, 1987.
pp. 94-108.
Stephens, Sonya. Baudelaire’s Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.
Warner, Adrian. Russian Minimalism: From the Prose Poem to the Anti-Story. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern UP, 2003.
Wesling, Donald. “Historical and Structural Coordinates.” The Chances of Rhyme: Device and Modernity. Berkeley: U of California P, 1980. pp. 1-34.
Other Resources:
Simpson, Amelia. Trans. Octavio Paz. One Word to the Other. Mansfield, Texas: Latitudes P, 1992.